For PSAP Directors
The most productive way to learn and
source for and your PSAP

It’s a focused, productive
learning opportunity
The 911 Directors Forum is a unique kind of event, designed specifically for you to connect with PSAP leaders for an intimate, private retreat where you share best practices and new ideas in a relaxed, productive setting.

It's a strategic sourcing opportunity for you
The Forum gives you an unmatched opportunity to compare the services, software, and technology you need. Unlike an expo, you'll get a deep-dive look at what you need, with plenty of time for demos, questions, and expert answers from providers. You'll also get advice on your choices from your fellow directors.

Network, connect with
PSAP leaders like you
​PSAP Leaders Only. We invite only the directors and leaders of 911 agencies. It's not a cop event, not a radio event. It's where leaders of agencies like yours come to connect with and learn from each other.
100% Productive. We know you're busy. Every moment here will be a great use of your time, packed with ideas and new solutions for you.
Comfortable and fun. You're our guest. We'll feed you, provide great accomodations, and pay for your airfare and hotel.